February 8, 2022

Day 9: I Can't Get No Satisfaction

Read Psalm 16-17.

The Rolling Stones produced their first number one song in the U.S. in 1965. It was called, "I can't get no satisfaction". Supposedly, Keith Richards came up with the riff for the song in a dream while he was sleeping. He woke up, recorded what he heard in his sleep, added the famous words "I can't get no satisfaction" to it, and fell back asleep. Sadly, that song could be the theme of many people's lives. No matter how hard they try, they "can't get no satisfaction". People try many things to try and find satisfaction and joy in this world. Some turn to their careers, others to sinful pursuits. Others believe they can find it in a romantic relationship. But as David's son, Solomon, reminds us in Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless, meaningless, all is meaningless" apart from God. We are told in 1 Samuel 13:14 that David was "a man after his own heart". David had a heart that sought after God. And so, despite the pain and betrayal he faced in life, he could write beautiful psalms like chapter 16 and 17 that are filled with reminders of how satisfying it is to know God.

In Psalm 16:6 he proclaimed, "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." In v. 9 David says, "my whole being rejoices" and in v. 11, "in your presence there is fullness of joy". And he ends Psalm 17 with these words: "when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness." David has a soul that was satisfied. How about you? Do you find your satisfaction in the Savior? Are you delighting in His presence? There is safety and security when we abide daily with God. Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus getting away early to be alone with the Father. How about us? Let's make Psalm 17:8 our prayer: "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings". And because He secured our salvation through the cross, we can be assured that we are the "apple of His eyes" and that we're protected "in the shadow of His wings". And that should satisfy the soul! Celebrate your salvation today! Rejoice that you are His!

Are there things you are trying to find satisfaction in other than the Savior? If so, what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do about it?

Will you make it a priority to get alone with the loving father daily, just like Jesus did?

Prayer for the day: "Loving Father, I am overwhelmed that you would see me as the 'apple of your eye'. I find comfort that I can hide 'in the shadow of your wings'. May I not seek to find my satisfaction in anything else but you today. Show me your presence in a fresh new way today. I love you Lord. Amen."

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