March 11, 2022

Day 37: Rafting with Bam Bam

Read Psalm 69

I have done some whitewater rafting in West Virginia on the New River and the Gauley River. It is not for the faint of heart. I've been on some of the most intense rapids in the world- class IV and V's. While I love the thrill of going through the rapids, I'm not a fan of falling out and getting sucked under the water. The last time I went, the guide on our raft was a man known as "Bam Bam". His nickname made it clear that staying out of the water was going to be a challenge. As we began the trip down the river, Bam Bam announced, "My goal is to make sure that everyone falls out at least once". Of all the guides, I had to get Bam Bam.

And sure enough, I fell out of the raft on multiple occasions. It's a scary feeling really. You get sucked under the water and you feel like you're going to drown. But you don't because you have to wear a life jacket. These life jackets truly are life savers. They keep you from sinking to the bottom of the river. 

In Psalm 68, David shared that he thought he was going to drown. In v. 1-2 David wrote, "Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and flood sweeps over me." For David, the sense of drowning was a metaphor for feeling helpless and defeated. Have you ever felt you were drowning emotionally or spiritually?

Thanks be to God that we have a "Life Jacket". God holds on to us and keeps us from sinking. He is our life saver. Like David in v. 16, we can pray: "Answer me, O LORD, for your steadfast love is good; according to your abundant mercy, turn to me." Whenever you feel like you're drowning, remember you have a "life jacket". Remind yourself that God's love is steadfast and His mercy is abundant!

Do you feel like you're drowning? Get away with the Father and read some verses in the Bible about His love for you.

Is there someone in your life that needs a friend to help them "keep their head above water"? How could you help them this week?

Prayer for the day: "Heavenly Father, you are my life saver. I would be lost without you. When I feel overwhelmed, remind me to cling to you. Lord, show me how I can help my friends in need. I know you will never let me go. I am safe in your presence. Thank you. Amen."

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