March 3, 2022

Day 32: The Rock That Is Higher Than I

Read Psalm 60-61

When my wife and I started out in ministry, I was a youth pastor who was also in seminary. We lived in a trailer park along with other seminarians. If I lived in the Midwest, where tornados are more common, I would have thought twice about living in a trailer. But they were pretty rare in Northeast Pennsylvania. However, on occasion tornados did occur there. One of them occurred while we were living in the trailer park. 

When we heard the sirens go off, we immediately got into our car and drove to a friend's place who had house with a firm foundation. We were fortunate that the tornado didn't hit our trailer, but if it had, our home would have been gone.

David was facing some pretty strong "storms" in Psalm 60-61. As was so often the case, he was battling his enemies. And he wasn't always on the winning side. David knew where to run to when facing a storm. Psalm 61:2b-3 tells us, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy."

For us it may be enemies that are out to get us. Our job is not to defeat them but to run to "the rocker that is higher". Maybe for you it's not an enemy. But you do have storms in your life. A struggle with addiction or a painful medical condition or some other struggle in your life. Don't fight in your own strength. The battle belongs to the Lord! Find your protection and strength in Him. Or as David put it in Psalm 61:4: "Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!"

What storms are you facing right now? What would it look like for you to take refuge under the shelter of His wings?

Do you have a friend or family member going through a storm? Take time to pray for them.

Prayer for the day: "To my God, who is the rock that is higher than me. I acknowledge my desperate need for you. I am humbled that I can call you Father. I am thankful that I can take refuge under the shelter of your wings. Thank you for resurrection power available to me through the finished work of Christ. Amen."

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