February 15, 2022

Day 16: When Life Gives You Lemons

Read Psalm 29-30

I'm sure you've heard the expression, "When life gives you lemons make lemonade". But do you know where the phrase came from? Many modern authors attribute the expression to Dale Carnegie who used the term in a book he wrote in 1948. But a form of the phrase was actually used back in 1915 when Christian anarchist and writer Elbert Hubbard published an obituary to dwarf actor Marshall Pinckney Wilder. In the obituary he wrote of Wilder, "He picked up the lemons that Fate had sent him and started a lemonade-stand."

I guess there's something admirable in the phrase for people to not let the difficulties of life keep them down. But as a follower of Jesus who doesn't see my life governed by "Fate" but by the Heavenly Father. Because He loves me, deeper and wider than I can even imagine, my hope during difficult times will rest in Him.

In Psalm 29-30 we see two primary attributes of God that we can lean into when facing a challenging season in our life. In chapter 29 David focuses on the GLORY of God. And David ends the psalm in v. 11 with this encouragement: "May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace!" When we're reminded of how glorious and powerful God is, it will deepen our prayer life and we will come running to Him for strength. And the result will be the peace of God.

In chapter 30 David focuses on the MERCY of God. And He reminds us in v. 5, "For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." If you know about David's life then you know God indeed brought "joy in the morning". God showed mercy to David. And He shows it for us as well. And when He does, our response should be the same as David's in v. 12, "...that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"

Whatever you're going through, God is going to show His glory and mercy through it and through you! And when He does, don't be silent, sing His praises. Give thanks to Him. We don't trust in "Fate" nor our own abilities to produce optimism out of negative situation, we trust in a glorious and merciful God.

What is something difficult you are facing right now? How could God have the glory in it?

While you're waiting for "joy to come in the morning", take time to still praise Him. Take time to write down three attributes of God and praise Him for them.

Prayer for the day: "Glorious and merciful God, I give you praise and glory right now. I don't desire to stand in your presence but in your mercy you allow it, and even delight in it, because of your Son Jesus. Please show mercy to me today, I need it. I love you Father. Amen."

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